(SIDE NOTE: I’ve decided to make this more "MST3K" like. Everyone else does it… so.. Anyway.)
[All is well in the Dungeon of Love & Discomfort. 17 looks at the camera.]
17: Hi this is Seventeen. Also known as Junanagou. *Waves.* We’re here in the Dungeon of Love & Discomfort trapped by a mad scientist known as Dr.Gero. He has one or two gears loose I assure you.
18: *Enters.* 17, who the Hell are you talking to?
17: The audience.
18: What audience?
17: *Points to a small camera embedded in the wall.* See, here’s the camera.
18: *Sighs.* You idiot, that’s Dr.Gero’s voyeur camera. He has them installed allover the damn place.
17: *Notices a light flashing on the wall.* Looks like the Gero’s calling.
Dr.Gero: *Appears on a monitor.* Ah my wonderful 17 and 18 how ARE you doing today?
18: I’m fine.
17: I’m dandy.
Vegeta: *Runs in.* I’m here.
Dr.Gero: Good. Soon you will feel the wrath of a young boy and his aspirations as a fic writer. They are not pleasant in the least. *Evil cackle.* I give you "G.L.A.D.; Unkown’s Turn"!
All: *Groan.*
[A beeping noise is heard.]
Vegeta: Damn, we’ve got fic sign.
[Dungeon doors open to the fic room. Everyone sits in their seat.]

18: What were you doing, Vegeta?
Vegeta: Shut up, android.
17: *Excitedly.* Shh! You guys! It’s starting!

>G.L.A.D; Unknown's turn!!!

18: Man, I swear, if this is just a long commercial for plastic bags I’m quitting.

>By Unknown

Vegeta: The news reported seeing an unidentified body. This fic was his last will and testament.

>A/N;ok this is my first try,so dont be mean!!!DONT BE EVIL OR I SHALL KILL
> YOU!!!HAH HAH HAH,and dont flame just because i like vegeta...

Vegeta: So do I. That doesn’t mean I’ll go easier on you.

>disclaimer;own gohan?no,own vegeta?no,own dbz?wish i did…
>own kirby?i dont even have the game -_- *crys*

17: He is trying to make us angry with this, right?

>A strange male walks up to the place where gohan is…

18: [author] Wherever that may be. Use your imagination.

>he has a tail,and looks like a anime character...well its me if ya didnt know

Vegeta: So he’s implying he’s an anime character? I hope no one dubs his anime then.

>Unknown says "well...i finaly meet you in person...well not chibi nor teenager you..."

18: [Unknown] nor a fat version of you. Nor a drunk you…

>all the fans look surprised

17: …That they even exist. I’m sure.
Vegeta: For this fic? I’m sure there are no fans.

>after Unknown said that,and then Unknown turns to look at them and says "I'm a
>author,i can meet gohan at will..."

17: I met Gohan at one of Will’s parties. It was great.

>all the fans look jealous,except for the

18: ones who realized the author was about five years old.

> author fans of course ^_^
>Unknown turns back to gohan "so,how ya doing?"
>vegeta comes in the building,and unknown says "vegeta!i said you CANT come
>here!now leave!!"

Vegeta: Damn it. I better not take that crap from him.

>Vegeta replies "why should i?hmph this is stupid anyways"


>and on que the fans all gasp and look shocked yet angry

18: They were shocked that Vegeta didn’t capitalize the "I".

>Unknown says "your just jealous,because i like gohan more" and vegeta says
>quickly "JEALOUS?!I'M NOT JEALOUS OF THA- *POOF*" and now vegeta
>is gone

18: *Taking notes.* How did he make Vegeta disappear again?
Vegeta: *Takes 18’s pencil and paper away and breaks them.*

>Unknown says "sorry about that..." and all the fans are angry at me right bout now

17: Whoa. Mood swings.

>Unknown says "so gohan,how are you doing?",and gohan right about now
> is confused somewhat

18: [Unknown] Unknown is also confused.
Vegeta: [Unknown] Unknown is starting to rethink his idea.
17: [Unknown] Unknown now realizes that writing a fic only works if you can write.

>Unknown says "oh dont worry about him,just answer the question," Unknown
>smirks and continues "and i'll give you candy in the fanfiction i'm writing;
>the half insane dbz story"

18: I have a feeling that it’s ALL crap.

>Gohan replies "well...fine i guess?"

Vegeta: Was that a question or a statement?
17: [Gohan] I’m easily persuaded by things containing sugar.

>Unknown says (yeesh,that starts alot of lines,dosnt it?)

All: *Start laughing.* >"good for you,now i gotta make a speech,when i was younger i first saw
>dragonball,though i only saw 1 episode,then slowly i watched dragonball z on
>toonami,and cartoon network...and now i'm a big fan,even though i limit myself
>to dubbings...and i dont have many collections of dragonball z...but my favorite
>character is...well thats stupid,

Vegeta: Yes, most of this IS stupid.

>gohan of course,and want to know why?

All: NO!

>cuz he repersents my chibi form,small,young,and one little chibi ya dun wanna
>mess with"

18: Does he realize that "chibi" means "small"? It’s like saying "And one little small ya dun wanna mess with."
17: There are MANY things wrong with this.

>Unknown says "...since every other fan does something special,even if its
>showing off their collection...i decided to come in author form,which is a half
>saiyan also...one reason why my author form repersents gohan so much
>is,becuase,i'm a HUGE fan,why i can remember almost exact words he says!in the
> cell saga,i LOVED it when he said 'can it' to cell,atleast i think he said
>that,did he?i hope so,and when he bravely fought frieza,cell,vegeta...oh and 2
> more things,one,i hate that tutor guy,and 2,I NEED TO BREATHE!!!!"
>Unknown breathes

18: Someone needs to lay off the speed.

>Gohan looks a bit shocked,then smiles "no wonder you have a tail"

17: *Laughs.* See? It all makes sense! The reason he‘s stupid is because he has a tail.

>Unknown looks sad,and says "well,thats all i can say,but,like so many people say,
>i'll be BAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaacccccckkkk..." and unknown walks away,
>happy that he came here…

Vegeta: …and ruined my perfectly good nap time.

>another Unknown walks up,a more insane unknown,hey i gotta put both sides of
>me here!!

18: No you don’t. Hell, we don’t want the FIRST you.

>Unknown says "hi gohan"
>gohan replies "er,hi?"
>unknown says "hi"
>loooooooooooooooong pause,and cricket sounds
>Unknown says "hi"
>fans look somewhat confused,and this goes on…

17: Some fans, at this point, start to commit suicide.

>50 more 'hi's' later…
>Unknown says "ok bye" and that unknown leaves also

Vegeta: And the world is united in peace. Their only goal now is to destroy Unknown.
[Everyone gets out of their seats and exits.]

17: You know, I think I have to agree with Unknown. G.L.A.D. yes. Glad, it’s over.
18: Ouch. Bad pun!
Vegeta: Gero’s calling.
Dr.Gero: *Face appears.* Hi! What did you think of this "quickie"?
18: Stop sending us stuff written by four-year-olds. Please. It’s just pretty pointless.
Dr.Gero: *Writes a note.* More child authors.
17: Come to think of it, I really enjoyed watching a young otaku try in vain to reach his goal. I think that’s what this fic was all about. *Spotlight on 17.* If you think about it, we’re all like Unknown. We all try to reach out to our favorite anime character by writing a fic and inserting ourselves. We all do that. Don’t we?
Everyone (except 17): NO!